hobby translation projects I've worked on or am working on...


Galzoo Island

18+. This took so long. Omg. Help

Patch Download Folder

7th Stand User

RPG Maker JoJo's Part 3 fangame where YOU get to be the JoJo's. Yay!!! Hooray!!!!
This is olddddddddddddddddddddddddd (a decade now, wow) so the TL is in all likelihood not very good and I've kind of disowned it, but it was my first large-scale project and bears mentioning.

Full Game Download (tumblr)
Direct Download Link

Biraku Emblem

Fire Emblem 3 hack that embedded itself so deep in Japanese fandom lore that there's a line in FE12 that's a possible reference to it, if that counts for anything. A little crass at times but the maps are a blast. I learned ROMhacking for this. 12 pages of translator's notes so you know I'm not fucking around. None of you guys will play it though because Americans don't like FE3. T-that's fine... I-it's not like I translated it for you or anything...

Patch Download Folder (includes notes and walkthrough)
RHDN Mirror

Hoshi wo Miru Hito (Stargazers)

The classic. If you know you know. Had a partially-finished translation available already, but it wasn't very functional and what little was translated was gobbledygook so I fixed it. My first time doing assembly hacking, it was fun.

Patch Download Folder (includes translated manual and walkthrough)
RHDN Mirror (requires patching with the old hack first due to RHDN's rules on addendums)

I also was interviewed by Wes Fenlon of Read Only Memo about this game! [LINK]

Works in progress...

Ouji-Sama Lv1: 15%. pure dread at the idea of doing another ADV/VN but honestly it's not really that text heavy, at least not compared to galzoo. expect it soon... ish. preview here

Waku Waku Puyo Dungeon: Figured out how to dump and insert text + edit images, but it needs ASM work and I don't know what I'm doing with it. If you know what you're doing get in touch and I'll translate the rest of it. nevermind i learned how coming soon (Arle's Intro) (Schezo's Intro)


Puyo Puyo Comics

Various cute li'l manga from DiscStation and other sources. I had fun doing the typesetting on these. I'll do more once I scan more issues which means never

Tale of the Puyo Day Manju (Madou Monogatari Funbook)
Schezo the Match Boy (DiscStation #13)
My First Madou Monogatari 2 (DiscStation #25)