Plush Dolls

The swords/shield are removable.

the solo (dq4 guy) went with me to japan on my 2019 trip

Pinky Street

the RAcaseal was a garage kit. the others are me fucking around with apoxie sculpt. the chaz looks the nicest 'cuz I did him last and had a better idea of what I was doing by then lol.

Bravern clay doll

this was cheap ass clay i bought off amazon that's really sticky and hard to work with... i'll try sculpey next time

Cross stitch


I don't have an airbrush set and am bad at hand-painting, so I usually just do panel lines, matte topcoat, and some light weathering with dry brushing and/or powders.

These are my favorite. I got these out of a gashapon machines at a convention. They're only 3 inches tall! I painted the Dunbine ones, but I like how dinky the Scopedog looks, so I left it untouched. Sirbine is one of my favorite robot designs, so I'm glad to have a kit of him.

This Front Mission kit is the only other unpainted kit I've done... It's funny that most of the kits I've painted myself are teeny tiny ones. I still haven't played a Front Mission game but I really want to someday :(


phone booth i bought at a thrift store and stickerbombed

i've wasted my life